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Buxted Apprenticeship

What does a career with Buxted entail?

If you start an apprenticeship with Buxted you will be working as part of the team on one of our sites. Generally, you will be based on the same site, however this depends on site program and workloads of other sites. When the site you are on comes to an end or if it requires less operatives, you will be moved to a new site to work.

Each site has a site foreman who manages the workload and ensures everyone knows what they are doing. The site foreman is your manager on a day-to-day basis, and they will let you know who you are working with and what work you are to do.

Types of work you may undertake include (but not limited to) assisting with:

Slab laying

Kerb laying

Digging foundations

Laying drainage

General labouring work helping keep the site tidy and organised

Apprenticeship Course

Upon successful completion of your 3-month trial you will be signed up to the Groundworks apprenticeship course. This can be completed as a day release course where you work on site 4 days a week and attend college on the 5th day, or you can undertake a residential course in several 4-week blocks.

Beyond Apprenticeship

Once you have completed your apprenticeship course there are plenty of options for training offered to allow you to develop your skills further and progress. As a company we actively look to promote from within which means there is genuine opportunity for development and career – Several of our current foreman and machine operators started with us as apprentices.

To view a video about our apprentice scheme please click the link below:

For further information please email: